Monday, April 5, 2010

9 DAYS!!!

Riley comes back to the united states of america in 9 days!!! (and now that its past midnight, 8 days kinda)

It is so close!! yet still far enough away for me to hate it!

This semester has been SO LONG and filled with highs and lows, but the biggest low is the fact that I cant share any of these times with Riley :-(

After hanging out with someone nearly every day last semester, its tough when they are gone. and especially with limited or no communication.

But just 9 more days. that is all I have left until I can once again talk to riley on the phone. and then just a long week later, we will finally, once again be together in person.

it will be a great day filled with constant anxiety until he pulls into my dorm parking lot, and most of all, lots of happiness!

just 9 more days

i can do that....

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